Valencianite & Quartz
This is a beautiful combination of large white Valencianite, a variety of feldspar, Formula:KAlSi3O8, with a fine coating of well-formed clear quartz crystals, Formula: SiO2 It is named after the "type locality" at the Valenciana Mine, Guanajuato, Mexico
In a study on the relationships among K-feldspars (Potassium Feldspar) it was suggested that valencianite may be an additional mineral species in the K-feldspars group
Specimen: 5” by 5” by 2 1/2”, Weight: 1 1/2 lbs
This is a beautiful combination of large white Valencianite, a variety of feldspar, Formula:KAlSi3O8, with a fine coating of well-formed clear quartz crystals, Formula: SiO2 It is named after the "type locality" at the Valenciana Mine, Guanajuato, Mexico
In a study on the relationships among K-feldspars (Potassium Feldspar) it was suggested that valencianite may be an additional mineral species in the K-feldspars group
Specimen: 5” by 5” by 2 1/2”, Weight: 1 1/2 lbs
This is a beautiful combination of large white Valencianite, a variety of feldspar, Formula:KAlSi3O8, with a fine coating of well-formed clear quartz crystals, Formula: SiO2 It is named after the "type locality" at the Valenciana Mine, Guanajuato, Mexico
In a study on the relationships among K-feldspars (Potassium Feldspar) it was suggested that valencianite may be an additional mineral species in the K-feldspars group
Specimen: 5” by 5” by 2 1/2”, Weight: 1 1/2 lbs